Favorite products for new mom and baby

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com.

Whether you’re pregnant, a new mom, or looking to treat yo-self or a friend, it can be overwhelming to sort through all the “stuff” to find tried and true products. Check out my top picks, including something for pregnancy, baby, new momma, and post-partum.

Pregnancy life-saver:

I was one of the lucky ones who had morning (aka all day/night) sickness for 40 weeks of pregnancy. I kept stashes of Ginger Chews from Prince of Peace in my nightstand, in my purse, and at the office.

I actually love these always, not just during pregnancy. During pregnancy, they helped with the nausea, but the warm, yummy chews are also packed with health benefits.

Get your Ginger Chews here

Tips for transitioning back to school

This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx.com on behalf of popchips.

After seeing everyone’s social media posts about the end of summer and beginning of school, I feel a bit relieved that my kiddos don’t start until September (the way it SHOULD be). At least it’s this way for our 2 and 4-year programs, but I’ll take it. While we’re still enjoying every last bit of summer break, I’m also mentally and logistically preparing for our new routine.

When my schedule changes, I always enter panic mode at the beginning – anyone else? I literally have to map out and write down how drop offs, pick ups, office time, doctor appointments, babysitters, etc. will all fit together, and it looks like some serious A Beautiful Mind stuff. In the end, with organization and preparation, it always works out.

Here are some of the ways I’m prepping to transition into back to school mode.

How to protect your family with life insurance

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of Nationwide 

I’m not going to lie – sometimes I have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I am an adult, one whose job is to take care of three kids, because in my head, a small part of me just believes my parents will handle everything for me. (Probably because they’re the most active adult parents ever.)

I don’t enjoy having to do all the things my parents always just handled behind the scenes – yet I have this huge sense of responsibility to carry on what my parents did for me. Luckily I have a partner who is a huge planner, saver, and thinker of our future. While talking about life insurance has never been my favorite conversation with my parents, as a parent myself, I look at it way differently now.

We take planning for the future and protecting our family seriously, and because of that, my husband and I can live more freely, with peace of mind.