Dear Justin,
I kept putting off writing this 5th anniversary letter to you because I felt too overwhelmed – I had too many thoughts and feelings that couldn’t be contained into just one letter in only so many words, but I’m biting the bullet and just trying to put it simply: thank you for making life fun.
It’s always been fun with you, from staying up all night talking in the dorms and dorm room dance parties to traveling, writing love notes, and becoming parents, you just make life good. I guess it’s as simple as that.
We’ve always been on the same page when it comes to the biggest relationship myth, and I truly stand by it. Everyone preaches that marriage is hard work; relationships are hard; it’s not going to be easy – I just appreciate that we work well together and find joy and ease in our marriage. Thank you for that.
Thank you for picking up things in life where I fall short – thanks for letting me sleep in best I can every day and for always being the middle of the night go-to guy. Thank you for buying molasses at the least opportune time between dinner and bedtime because I was in dire need of homemade ginger cookies (on more than one occassion).
A letter to my husband on our anniversary
Thank you for making “us” time a priority, even times where my home-body self rather just stay home, you always prioritize date nights, and I always appreciate it. Seriously, could anyone have more fun when they go out? I doubt it – we’re doubled over in hysterics every time.
You’re a completely selfless person, and I appreciate and notice that every day. You put my needs and wishes at the top of your mind at all times and always “give me the good egg.” (Side note – is that an actual expression or just an inside thing in my family?)
You’re the guy who helps others without a thought. You rather spend a full day chopping down Gram’s tree than do anything for yourself – not because you were asked, not because it would make me happy, but because it just comes naturally to you to help those you love.
You’re the first to help out a family member, friend, or stranger, and you have on many occasions. From literally picking up a hurt neighbor from the sidewalk on your way to the hospital with a severed finger to helping the homeless and helping countless people change their tires on the side of the road, you’re just a good guy.
I love that you’re handy – you’ve made us the most beautiful dining room table, toy box, table and chairs for the girls, and the list goes on and on – I have yet to find something you can’t do – you just figure it out.
You support me in all things – you supported me through college, my first “real” job (where we worked together while you were living at my parents’ house with me, and we still couldn’t tire of one another), through graduate school, and through my treacherous first year of teaching. You now support my businesses, hobbies, and Netflix binges.
Thank you for being the model of a perfect dad, best friend, incredible husband, and amazing cook – we’re a good match, Cope.
Thanks for your random crazy dance moves, daily made up songs, and other silly antics that can pull me dead out of the worst mood like that.
I love this picture because it just summed up such a special day 5 years ago on May 25, 2013 – completely surrounded by the love and vibrant energy of our family and friends, it was just a fun night, a fun picture, a fun life. And I’m pretty sure this was a picture of The Cuban Shuffle, which evokes so many hilarious memories at college parties and when we were in the bar scene, that I’m laughing out loud writing this.
So, thanks for all that. I guess this really wasn’t that hard.
Love you bub,