This post has been sponsored by Dr. Brown’s though all opinions are my own.
I’m a mom on-the-go, and aren’t we all? If it wasn’t for my bag, I would probably lose my mind. I work out of the home part-time, so between leaving my house, going to my mom’s, going to work, running errands on my way home from work, trips to the park, and everywhere we go in between, I like to be prepared.
And by ‘like,’ I mean ‘need,’ because when you have kiddos, their needs are priority, often urgent, and can make the difference between a total melt down and a successful day out.
I broke down the major diaper bag essentials every parent needs in their bag along with some tips for organization and not overdoing it.
Diaper bag essentials
Diapers & Wipes
This is a given; I have two in diapers, so I make sure I have a small pack of wipes and a few diapers in each size before heading out the door; just adjust the amount for the length of time you’ll be gone.
Bottle & formula dispenser
I pack a Dr. Brown’s anti-colic bottle and formula dispenser when we’re on-the-go. The dispenser has different compartments so you can put the exact amount of formula you want, and when you’re ready, just dump it in the bottle. We take a lot of trips to my family’s lake house, and while I have nursed while we drove (it’s not a pretty sight…), it’s wayyyyyy more comfortable and less humiliating to feed Elsie with her bottle.
Face & bottle wipes
We have packs of the Dr. Brown’s Face & Nose Wipes and Bottle & Pacifer wipes everywhere.
Snacks & water
Is this one more for baby or mom? Mmmm, I’ll say both. You never know when hunger strikes. Pack a healthy, portable snack for parent and kiddo(s); we use the Tummy Grumbles Reusable Snack Bags from Dr. Brown’s – I normally use one for snacks and one for little items like band aids, nail clippers, and bribes (aka suckers).
Small entertainment items
My kids love a few small figurines and a book.
Comb and hair ties
A small comb is all I need to fix my hair and my daughters’ – wrap some hair ties on the end just in case.
Tissues & sanitizer
Nail clippers
I can’t tell you how many times I have needed nail clippers and don’t have them, so I started putting them in my bags. No more ripped hang nails, use them to clip off itchy tags on your kids’ clothes, and save your favorite cable knit sweater from a nasty pull by knotting the pull and clipping off the ends.
Hey, you just never know when you’ll need it. I was a Girl Scout – always be prepared. Better to have it and not need it than need it and be in a pit of despair (literally).
Plastic bag
For throwing away diapers or a place to put dirty clothes.
Add these for a baby:
Organization: nothing worse than when you’re frantically searching for something in your purse and can’t find it. Avoid this dilemma by choosing a cute bag that has separate compartments – then make sure you consciously put every item in a logical place, and put it in the same place every time.
Downsize: your bulky items. If you have a wallet that’s the size of a small clutch, put your essential wallet items into a small, folded wallet to free up space and lighten your load. Don’t have a small pack of travel wipes? Put a small chunk in a baggie.
Group like objects: either in your bag’s compartments or again, with those trusty Ziplock baggies, put together objects that logically go together, so instead of blindly searching for small, individual items, you can have a personal care baggie with your chap stick, nail clippers, travel lotion, and sanitizer.
What’s in your mom bag? What are your mom bag essentials?
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