When it comes to packing your hospital bag for your baby’s birth, as a first-time mom, you might not know what to bring or as a seasoned mom you may not remember what you really need (or better yet, want).
Since both of my births were inductions, I was in the hospital 3 and 4 nights and always like to be over-prepared. You could definitely minimize your bag, but my advice is to pack a suitcase and bring everything you need…because, why not? Why not have options, be cozy, and have your comfort items that make you feel a little piece of home and normalcy over a sterile hospital stay?
I suggest bringing a suitcase so you can put mom, baby’s, and significant other’s belongings in one bag. When possible, I’ll share the exact items in my bag the second time around. Affiliate links included.
My Hospital Bag Must-Haves
You’ll be wearing a hospital gown during your stay. Even after you deliver, you’ll be constantly checked, so make sure you choose items that are comfy and easy to slide on and off.
Hospital gown: Having my own, pretty gown made me feel like a person and more like myself after delivery. My exact gown is the first pictured below. Other similar options available by clicking the images.
I chose longwear makeup, which stayed on through my 20 hour labor and 5 minute delivery:
- Foundation: Estee Lauder Double Wear
- Powder: Maybelline Fit Me
- Blush: Milani
- Lipsense: Pink Champagne
- Mascara: Maybelline Pump up the Volume or Younique Fiber Lashes
- Makeup remover or coconut oil
- Oil diffuser: I chose lavender oil; all the doctors and nurses came in to my room just to visit because they loved the scent.
- Journal or baby book (for foot print)
- Small bag for laundry items
- Snacks: I brought hard candy, CLIF BARS
and Pineapple Juice
- Water bottle
- Wallet, insurance card, car seat installed, phone charger
Sweat/yoga pants or pajamas (2 pair)
These are all actual items I either brought in my bag or bought for home.
Stretchy, v-neck or scoop neck tees (2)
Buy travel-size items at the Dollar Store or grocery store:
- toothbrush/paste
- shampoo/conditioner/body wash
- lotion (I love Aveeno
or Say Yes To Carrots
- face wash/face lotion
- deodorant
- razor, nail clippers, tweezer
- Your own pillow and blanket
- Towel and shower shoes
You will wear the awesome mesh hospital underwear, but you might want to bring a few pair of your own undies just in case. This second time around, I also wore a post partum belly wrap after delivery.
- 1 or 2 simple outfits (nothing fussy or multi-piece)
- 1 ot 2 pair of socks
- Hat
- Swaddle blanket
Do not need
- Diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream
- Nipple cream
- Breast pump
- Pads
Best of luck on your labor and delivery! Now get packing – your little nugget can come any day.
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