This post is sponsored by CBDMEDIC but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
It started 5 years ago – my body aches and pain – and grew increasingly worse each year. It started about halfway through my first pregnancy, the pain in my lower back, and turned a highly active, high-intensity workout girl into a low-impact, slow walk kinda gal. Then after I delivered my first baby, my pain got worse. Right when I started to feel somewhat normal, I got pregnant – the aches and pains started earlier and were more aggressive the second time around, and my third pregnancy was almost unbearable. I was hardly weight-bearing the last few months and used a cane or crutches to move around.
Needless to say as a working mom to three girls ages 4 and under, I’m busy – aint nobody got TIME for pain like this. I’ve tried everything over the years – I’ve seen specialists, been tested for autoimmune diseases, done physical therapy, seen chiropractors, altered my diet, gone to acupuncture, and more.
How I manage chronic pain with CBDMEDIC
Just two weeks ago, seemingly out of nowhere, I had a breakthrough in my despair of hopelessness – it could have been time or that I started to slowly work through the pain and started taking short walks. It could have been the anti-inflammatory diet I’m eating, the massage therapy, or that I’ve been able to sleep lately (did I mention I also have insomnia and other weird sleep disorders)? It could have been a combination of these things, but I also couldn’t ignore the fact that three of my massage therapists as well as my acupuncturist all recommended something to me, a product they use on me and their other clients with body aches and pain – CBD ointment.
I was excited to learn that I could pick up CBDMEDIC products at CVS and even more thrilled to learn that they provide me – someone who has struggled for 5 years with pain – ACTUAL RELIEF!
What do I use?
I use the Back & Neck Relief ointment found at CVS; it combines amazingly effective ingredients like menthol and camphor with hemp oil for safe pain relief that really works for acute pain.
Why do I use it?
Therapist recommendation: I started using it because my most trusted therapists use it on me, and I never feel better than after their treatments; especially now that I hit a point of tolerable pain, I think it’s working better on me – I really feel the positive effects.
A natural option: I’ve had doctors tell me to take Tylenol or Motrin, but honestly, since I’m in pain 100% of the time, I never saw that as a real option. I appreciate that this ointment is made with natural ingredients yet is powerful and effective.
Where to buy
All you have to do is visit your local CVS Pharmacy to check out their product line! Easy peasy.
How to use
I normally grab it first thing in the morning (I keep it on my nightstand); I do some stretching in bed, rub it in my pain spots, and am ready for the day.
I’ll pop it in my purse to take to work in case I need it on-the-go, like after I was out at a concert with my husband last weekend (something because of my pain I would never think I’d be able to do!).
I also like to use this at the end of the day; I rub it on myself, or better yet, have my husband rub it on me while I get a little massage. The combination of massage with the ointment is the best way to go, whether you do it yourself or have someone else do it. Massage helps with pain, too.
Be sure to pick yours up today!