How to instantly connect with moms on-the-go

This post is sponsored by PeckApp – all opinions and experiences are my own!

Searching phone contacts:
– Isla’s mom
– Park mom red shirt
– Hailey (?) school picnic

Do any other moms have random entries in their contact lists like I do? It happens all the time – you’re out and about at the park, library, or school function – you watch your kids play so sweet with the other kids and even strike up a friendly conversation with the mom. You briefly exchange names during your pleasantries, but of course, you forget – or maybe you know a first name, but is that enough to stalk find her on social media so you can connect?

Enter every mom’s new best friend – PeckApp. PeckApp is a way to share contact information, from your phone number and email to social channels and Venmo, in one simple app.

How to instantly connect with moms on-the-go

  • Search PeckApp in your App Store; setup takes 30 seconds TOPS
  • Enter contact information to save to profile
  • On the home screen, select the info you’d like to share with another Peck user near you – if they don’t have the app, no problem – either have them download it or you have the option to simply text them with one click
  • When selected, these icons will light up and connect themselves to the “Peck Island” – both parties tap the center “Peck Island” to share selected information 
  • When a user is selected, an orange checkmark appears next to the other user’s name
  • When the other user has consented to sharing information, the checkmark will change to purple
  • Once a “peck” is complete, you’ll have a history of it and can add this person to your contacts, find them on Instagram, Facebook, Venmo, and Twitter, shoot them an email, or add them on Snapchat.

Ways moms use PeckApp

As a mom, blogger, and business owner, I have tons of ways to use PeckApp!

  • An easy way to instantly add business contacts instead of manually adding business card info
  • Meeting moms at different groups and classes
  • School functions
  • Connect with moms at sporting events
  • Meeting moms at the park
  • Exchanging information with neighbors

There are so many uses for PeckApp – how could you use it in your life?

