Thank you to my sister, Lauren, for writing this guest post sharing about her weight loss and healthy venture – feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions for her.
These photos and this post are extremely hard for me to share, but I’m doing it in hopes I can help one person change their life like I did. ❤️
A couple of years ago, I was pretty unhappy with myself. I knew I needed to lose weight, but it was very daunting to even think about starting to lose the amount that I wanted to. My energy and confidence was at an all-time low, and I knew for my family’s sake I NEEDED to make a change.
I knew I wanted to change, but I had no idea how to get started. I met a mom online in a stay at home mommy group and as I watched her posts, I was so inspired by her.
My body had changed so much from pregnancy and I felt like I had no metabolism. I aimlessly tried different workouts, but I needed some sort of direction for what I should be doing and a way to be held accountable. I joined an all woman’s gym for a while, but it was not easy to find the time to go while I had a baby and a toddler who was in preschool.
How I lost 73 pounds (and 57 inches!)
She somehow managed to work out every day and take time for herself while raising two little ones. Her before and after pics encouraged me and made me feel like I could work that hard and get the same results. I decided to reach out to her and join her online fitness group.
That’s when I joined Beachbody.
It wasn’t the easiest getting started, and I almost quit so many times. I actually even gained weight for the first month, but my coach told me to stick with it and have faith in the healthier choices I was making. Sure enough, the weight did start to come off. I loved having this new community of women who were also doing the same work outs, and I started to be an active participant in the online accountability groups that my coach ran. This made all the difference in my weight loss. I finally found the support system of women who were in similar situations and we are able to inspire and motivate each other on a daily basis.
Since starting, I have lost 72.8 pounds and 56.5 inches! I started doing the 21 Day Fix and Shaun T Beachbody videos. I loved them so much and the fact that there are hundreds of videos to choose from that I was actually EXCITED to workout. My energy has increased and I’m running around playing with my kids during the day now. My kids know that working out is part of my morning routine and they sometimes jump in and join me and they cheer me on and tell me what a good job I’m doing. My husband has supported me and he too has worked hard and has lost over 40 pounds.
If you are interested in learning more about Beachbody on Demand and what sort of packages there are, you can check it out here.
I’m not pushy or sales-y (yes, I made that word up), so if you just want to share your story, vent, or ask questions without feeling pressured, I’m totally here just to talk, listen, or encourage you.
I would love to talk with anyone who would like to know more about Beachbody or my journey. Shakeology was a big part of what helped me to get started and fuel my body with the nutrients that it needed. Anyone who is interested in Shakeology can use this link.
I am beyond grateful to have found my coach and to have found a drive in myself that I never knew existed. I love getting to work out in the comfort of my own home on my time schedule. Believe me when I say, if I can do this, so can you!
Leave me a comment below if you have any questions, need some encouragement, or want to connect in some way.