Over the last several months, I have taken control of my skin by having a consistent routine with quality products that work. One insecurity I have always had, truly ever since I was a kid, is my under eye area. At one point in grammar school I remember putting any product I could find under my eyes, including…wait for it…Carmex. What!? What was I thinking? I was 10-years-old, and I didn’t know anything about products, I just knew it worked wonders on my lips, so why not try my eyes? Makes me shudder to think of it! I’ve always been concerned about darkness under my eyes, and because of the structure of my face, I have a little crease in my under eye area that I have never liked. However, now that I have my beautiful daughter and see that she has that same natural crease, I’m learning to deal with my insecurities. Accepting my eye structure doesn’t mean that I can’t take charge of other issues, such as darkness and fine lines, though. I’m also trying to add preventative anti-aging steps into my everyday skin routine, so I can prevent wrinkles instead of trying to correct them later on.
How to Treat Under Eye Circles
I was excited to try Rodan + Fields’ REDEFINE Multi-Function Eye Cream because of rave reviews I’ve seen online. I also really like that I can work one-on-one with my consultant, Nikki, who has gotten to know my skin and my goals, and she anticipates my needs – I also get the products at a lower price, and you can too; just contact my consultant to see how. If you like what you see with my results and want to know what other transformative products are out there, contact Nikki directly (nikkicarvellirf@gmail.com) or check out her website. Better yet, there is a 60 day guarantee on their products, so if you don’t have the results you were hoping for, there is no risk to you. I always feel confident using products that have a guarantee because I either end up with a great product or get my money back.
How to use
I am one month into using this cream. I use it after I wash my face in the morning and at night. To put it on, you need the smallest amount ever – even after using it twice a day for a month, my jar looks completely untouched. I grab a tiny amount of cream on my ring finger and gently pat my under eye area, starting by my brow bone and down to my under eye, making sure not to get too close to my actual eye. Afterwards, I’ll dab on my tea tree oil on any trouble zones to help keep my pores unclogged and then my face lotion. I let it all sink in for about ten minutes before I put on my makeup. Before bed, I make sure to let it set in a few minutes before I hit my pillow because I don’t want any of it rubbing off.
What I love
The product makes your skin feel taken care of – that’s the best way I can put it – even after the first time I used it. I have tried some Rodan + Fields samples and felt the same way about them – the products smooth so nicely on your skin and make you feel like you’re getting the celebrity treatment. And trust me, I am very picky about my skincare products.
After the month of use, I wasn’t sure if the cream was doing anything visible. I knew my skin felt better and made my makeup easier to go on smoother than before, and I knew I felt good about putting an anti-aging product on my skin every day. It wasn’t until today that I looked at my progress photos that I realized it was, in fact, doing something noticeable.
I deliberated a lot before deciding to post this unflattering photo – it feels scary and vulnerable to post such an awkward, close photo without makeup or filters. I knew I could give a great review with just words, but I ultimately think the picture gives a better testament to my results so far. The photos are taken a month apart and in the same location. The ‘after’ photo has better lighting because I opened my shades and used natural daytime light in addition to the overhead, so that is what accounts for the slight coloring difference. Keep in mind this is only 30 days in and full results should be visible after 60 days. Welp, here you go.
So far, I can see that the darkness has lightened and my fine lines are smoother. I also love that I can get away with a light layer of foundation to look presentable instead of concealer, foundation, and under eye corrector like I used to. Sure I’ll indulge in more makeup for special occasions, but I love that I don’t ‘have to’ now.
Try your own before/after pictures
…and share your results with me! Or if you decide on another Rodan + Fields product, I’d love to hear about your experience. Contact Nikki directly for information and specials – she’s very helpful and knowledgeable about the products and can get you started just like me: nikkicarvellirf@gmail.com or feel free to browse the website: nikkicarvelli.myrandf.com