Snow days have a whole new meaning as an adult – as a kid, there was nothing better – snow days meant sledding, snowmen, hot cocoa, and time with friends.
But now, Snow Day means no preschool, unplowed streets, and most kid-friendly places closed or filled with germy kids, so this morning I thought, “oh shoot, what the heck are we going to do today?” With Chicago temps “colder than Mount Everest, Antarctica, and Siberia on Wednesday,” I decided to share ways to play with snow INside. With my babes cooped up and lots of illness going around, I decided to do some indoor snow activities to pass the time.
These are all free, easy, and really fun activities to try on those cold, snowy days – enjoy!
- Snow Ice Cream
- Mr./Mrs. Potato Head snow balls
- Snow sensory bins
- Snow paint
Ways to play with snow indoors
Snow Ice Cream
Scientists say that snow is safe to eat when it’s fresh and in moderation – of course, you can do your own research and use your judgement before making and eating this delicious Snow Cream.
- Directions:
Mix 1 C milk (I use non-dairy milk); 1/3 C sweetener (sugar, Stevia, etc.); and 1 tsp. vanilla in a bowl. Put in the freezer while you gather snow. - Gather 8 cups of fresh snow. In a large bowl. Mix in the milk mixture until it has a nice, ice cream-ish texture.
- Scoop, serve, sprinkle, and enjoy. (Affiliate link: I used our toy ice cream scooper from the Melissa & Doug ice cream set!)
- Freeze the extras for later treats of bribes.
Mr./Mrs. Potato Head snow balls
Use a container to scoop up some fresh snow. Put down a vinyl tablecloth for easy clean up; make snow balls and use Mr./Mrs. Potato Head pieces in them.
Snow sensory bins
Fill a bin with snow and hide different objects and toys in there – you can have kids race to see who can find the items first, use it as a counting activity, and let your kids hide things for you to find, too.
Snow paint
Mix a few drop of food coloring in a small cup of water. Let your kiddos paint with brushes, spatulas, spoons, or their hands. You can also fill a spray bottle with colored water for extra fun!
Lasting thoughts
For more fun ideas, check out this 2 ingredient play dough and indoor activities for kids.What are your favorite ways to pass the time in winter?