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I’ve been a little quieter on the blog and social media lately and for good reason – we are expecting baby number three in January! I’m officially 13 weeks now, and my due date is January 8 – my third January baby.
I’ll keep this brief but cover the basics.
Will you find out the gender? Heck yes – I’m a planner, and major rooms will be changing in my house, so I want to be able to know the gender to really plan specifically and get organized.
How are you feeling? Terrible – I ask everyone to refrain from asking me how I’m feeling only because the answer is always that I feel awful, and I feel like a huge complainer. When I start feeling better, don’t worry, I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops and let y’all know!
Any cravings? I don’t like to consider them cravings, but I have moments where something will sound good in that moment. At this point, I just have to go with whatever my stomach will allow me to have, whatever it is.
Oh baby, we have an announcement
I went through a pickle phase, tacos, Skittles, and grapefruit. Nothing lasts too long, it’s just what I want and can handle in that moment.
The girls deliberate if they’re happy to add another baby to our clan…
The verdict is out – they’re THRILLED!!!! Ginny especially understands and couldn’t be sweeter and more excited about the new baby.
What makes you sick? Everything – there’s usually no trigger, it’s just a constant sickness.
But have you tried____? Yup, I’ve tried it all! Medication, raw ginger, ginger tea, ginger candies, vitamin B6, aromatherapy, eating smaller, frequent high protein meals, eating plain carbs, snacking on apples, Preggie Pops (which are delicious); if it’s a medical or homeopathic treatment, I’ve tried it.
While it doesn’t relieve it, I’m into sour candies and smelling grapefruit.
Are you trying for a boy? I don’t really believe in the whole “trying for a ___” thing, at least for me; I’d be thrilled to add another girl and would be excited to have a boy.
Do you think it will be a boy or girl? I’m hoping for either : ) I have a feeling it’s a boy though.
Was this baby planned? Yes! Like the other two babes, the first month we decided, I got pregnant.
Where are the balloons from? They’re from Amazon (duh) – here’s the affiliate link.
Where is your tunic from? Unfortunately it’s from the cutest boutique on Mackinac Island, which means you can’t get it. Here are some similar looks.
I envisioned lots of loving, sweet family photos – it turned out a bit chaotic, sweaty, and ended in tears for half of us.
Is Justin excited? He’s the most excited! Justin was meant to be a dad and has been stepping up even more than normal (how it that even possible, he already does so much), but I’m very well taken care of.
Lasting thoughts
Thank you in advance for your excitement and support, and feel free to ask ALL the questions – I’m an open book. And thank you to my close family and friends who have been nothing but helpful and caring during this somewhat blah time for me. Love you all.