You’ve already been through the whole parenting gig and think you have the whole thing figured out (okay, maybe not the whole thing, but at least 3/4 of it…or maybe 1/3 of it?), and now it’s time to expand your family. Hooray! Since you’re into the latest minimalism trend and you’ve been there before, you already have everything you could ever need for baby number two, right?
Mmm, maybe not.
While I’m also on board with keeping “stuff” to a minimum, there are definitely new items that either A. have come out since my first baby and B. need to be replenished and refreshed for a new little one. I’m lucky to be due with my second baby girl on my daughter’s second birthday, so I’ll already have all the right clothes in the correct seasons and sizes (score), so my list won’t include many new clothes, but yours might!
Second baby must-haves
Despite how hopelessly adorable they are in the nude, kids do need to be clothed sometimes. Sad, I know. So here are the items I’m most excited and in-need of for my second baby. Affiliate links included.
Duckworth NYC Bag
First time, second time, and heck, any time moms need to know about Duckworth NYC. These pre-bundled essential bags for moms takes all of the guess work out of packing for the hospital. In one adorable tote comes everything you need, from adorable hair ties and luxurious socks to a glass water bottle and pajama and robe set that makes you feel pretty. And just when I realized I forgot to pack shower toiletries, Duckworth had my back. Now that I’m home from the hospital, I’m using all of these items regularly, and I especially love the polka dot towels and wash cloths that work great as burp clothes and sponge baths.
If you’re a parent on social media, there’s no way you’ve escaped the infamous DockATot. This multi-functional gem can be used for safe co-sleeping or just as a comfy, cozy, easy-to-transport lounger for naps, chilling, and playtime. It comes in two sizes – I have the Deluxe for babies 0-8 months, and there’s also the Grand for 9-36 month kiddos; moms love it for its ease of use and 100% natural cotton material. I’ll be showing off my white model (hopefully) soon enough when baby comes, but they also have fun prints if that suits your taste. **Get $10 off your order – click here.**
Binxy Baby
Used for babies 6 months and up, this smart little grocery cart baby seat will make shopping with baby much easier for parents and more comfortable for baby. While I don’t do the shopping, I’m looking forward to my husband using this so momma can get things done around the house…or nap…or shower. Get 10% off your own by clicking here.
Double stroller
I opted to go with the UPPPABaby G-LINK Stroller because it’s light-weight and suitable for newborns through children up to 50 pounds, which will be perfect for my girls.
Finn + Emma
What infant wouldn’t want buttery soft, organic clothes on their sweet baby skin? Or safe, wooden or hand-knit toys? And what parent wouldn’t want adorable eco safe garments and play things in the most precious color palettes? That’s what I thought. Check out Finn + Emma for precious items to add to your baby’s collection.
Milestone Baby
Milestone Baby cards makes documenting your little one’s milestones so easy (not to mention adorable).
Burp cloths & bibs
My first daughter was the spit up and drool queen, so new burp cloths and bibs are an absolute must. I found many of the conventional burp cloths that had really pretty prints weren’t actually functional for us, so I found these amazing burp cloths that’s everything I ever dreamed about in a burp cloth (and no, I’m not being dramatic).
They’re thick and absorbent but lightweight and can be used for burp cloths, diapers, or a cleaning cloth. Now I kind of hope my next baby spits up as much as my first…well, kind of. Click on the bib photos below – both sets are $12 with free shipping.
Pump parts
I don’t know where all my milk storage and pumping parts disappeared to, but I definitely need a new complete set (click photos).
Grooming/safety kit
I love this Complete Nursery Care Kit; it has everything you need in one convenient pouch. Just keep it out of reach from your toddler; mine lovesss playing with it.
Gas drops
These drops helped us immensely the first time around, so you better believe I’m preparing ahead of time and having some gas drops in stock for my medicine cabinet. Just click the photos below to check them out.
Thermal breast pads
I loved nursing my daughter and look forward to breastfeeding again, but I can’t ignore the pain and discomfort that can come with it at times. These 3-in-1 Hot or Cold Breast Therapy Pads will comfortably replace bags of frozen peas or microwaved rice in socks.
Also check out 8 Thing not to Say to a Nursing Mom, My Unremarkable Last Nursing Story, and Why Breastfeeding in Public is Gross.
Baby carrier
With my first, I couldn’t get into baby carrying for the life of me. This time around, I’m going with an affordable carrier with great reviews and feel like this one will work -the 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier. It looks easy to use, unlike my struggle with wraps, and since it’s from Amazon, I know if it doesn’t work out I can easily return it and try a new one!
Bath sponge & wash cloths
If you read my Baby Registry Checklist, you’ll know that a baby bathtub is on my ‘don’t need’ list. They’re bulky to use and store and just overall unnecessary. We always loved the Summer Infant Comfy Bath Sponge because it’s easy to put on the counter or in the bathtub, doesn’t take up space, is comfy, and practical.
Car seat cover
With my first, I always just draped a blanket over the car seat, which honestly worked just fine, but after I saw my friend’s son all cozy and cute in his car seat cover, I couldn’t resist.
Lasting thoughts
Whether you’re having your first or sixth, these are items you could definitely benefit from. What are your ‘must haves’?