The news is in – and after an interesting gender reveal turn of events, we found out baby number three is a GIRL. She will be our third January baby girl, can you believe it? Okay first, why this news was SO shocking and our fun surprise twist.
Did you know you can find out the gender of your baby as early as 9 weeks? Yup, it’s true. Sneak Peek sent me this at-home blood test kit that you can take as early as 9 weeks; it detects chromosomes in your blood, so as a woman, if you have Y chromosomes in your blood, you’re having a boy. Pretty cool, and I never heard of this before – it was so simple because they mail the kit to you, provide detailed instructions (that you should REALLY follow), you send your sample back in, and get the results emailed to you – or someone else, if you want to be surprised.
As you may know, I have terrible sickness in my pregnancies – this one seems to be the worst one so far – so I was really looking forward to learning the gender early to have something fun and exciting to hold on to.
Related posts: Oh, baby, we have an announcement; My Hospital Bag Must-Haves
Gender reveal – with a surprise twist
Yes, I realize it looks like I’m in a wedding – I don’t have many pink dresses and had this one stashed away from that time I bought tons of bridesmaid dress prospects for a friend’s wedding and missed this one’s return date.
My first Sneak Peek test
So I received the package when I got home from work when I had 20 minutes before swim lessons for the girls; I ripped open the package, read the instructions, and got to work. Then when I was filling out the consent form, I noticed a box for you to check confirming a man wasn’t present during the test, for fear of contamination. I had to admit that Justin WAS in the room when I did it, and I briefly questioned if I compromised the test.
The turnaround time was SO quick – after an overnight shipment, they received my test and 8 hours later I had the results. I anxiously waited for Justin to get home to open the email – then we saw it’s a……………BOY.
After being a girl mom to two, this was a shock! After the news set in, I quickly started on my secret Pinterest board of my boy nursery, started solidifying boy names, and had many boy items sitting in various online carts just waiting to pull the trigger.
the wait for ultrasound
We decided to wait for an ultrasound at 15 weeks to 100000% confirm what we already knew – we were having a boy! I wore a blue lace dress to the appointment so I could take my gender reveal picture with my blue balloon.
plot twist
The technician showed us our sweet little babe moving and grooving like crazy in my belly – it was hard to get a clear shot of the gender because the baby was dancing so much. Finally, it was undeniable – she told us we were having a baby girl.
Justin looked at me, scared I was disappointed because of my reaction, which was really a mix of pure and utter shock and pain because I really had to use the washroom – and I had one of my worst sick days to top it off. I was shocked and SO EXCITED. I still am! It’s the first real joyful feeling I’ve had in a long time. Another girl, oh baby.
On the way home, Justin stopped to give a man money on the street – when he saw me beaming from ear to ear, he said, “hey man, I’ll give you the money back if you tell me how to find a woman THAT happy.” I was so excited and just couldn’t hide it.
Sneak Peek round 2
Sneak Peek absolutely guarantees their results, and I feared that my sample had been contaminated. When I let them know, they immediately sent me another kit to have ultimate peace of mind and to see what had happened the first time. I followed the instructions to a tee and completed the test when Justin wasn’t even home. It’s a really simple test, you just need to take a moment and read. Duh.
I received the test Wednesday, mailed it back Wednesday at 5:30, they received it Thursday, and I got my results Thursday at 8 p.m. Talk about quick turnaround.
Of course, when I did the test completely accurately, it confirmed what we NOW knew- it’s our baby girl making me so sick : )
what’s next?
Now we get to revisit an old list we made of girl names (yay!). To answer some questions:
- Does this mean you’ll try for a boy? No.
- Were you trying for a boy this time though? No. We were trying for a baby.
- Are you disappointed you’ll never have a boy? Nope.
Sense a trend : ) We just love babies! Thanks for reading our exciting family news!