I am so excited to announce, that It’s Simply Lindsay was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award – thanks to Alexis from A Blissful Haven for including me in this for a fun Q & A with me. You can also check out my 10 blogging nominees below of bloggers I love (and think you will, too!).
Blogger Rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.
- Put the award logo on your blog
- Answer the 10 questions the blogger has sent you.
- Nominate 10 bloggers and notify them
Readers, if you have any questions you’d like me to answer or topics you want me to cover, let me know!
Q & A With Lindsay
1. What piece of clothing or accessory is essential to any outfit you wear?
I feel totally lost and incomplete (not really exaggerating…) without my gold Michael Kors Watch and stud earrings. I love to wear pearls from my husband or my favorite gold, sparkly studs from my friend Stephanie who bought them for me and struggled to give them up because they’re so perfect.
2. Do you often wear your hair down or up?
I wear my hair up 95% of the time. I prefer my hair off my face, especially because my baby loves to grab it. I also feel that my hair just looks very drab and blah when I wear it down, so if you have any advice for me, I’d love to hear it!
3. What’s the last movie you watched in a theater?
Gone Girl – wow, it has been a while.
4. If you could spend a day with any celebrity, living or deceased, who would you pick?
I cannot choose one! I would have a spa day followed by a dinner party with Mindy Kaling, Ellen DeGeneres, and Emma Watson. Nobody can make me laugh quite like Mindy, and Ellen brings a smile to my face every day. She is the total embodiment of how I want to live my life – with kindness and laughter. All of these women have a strong point of view on women’s rights, so I’d love to get them all together to discuss women’s issues. I would especially like to pick Emma Watson’s brain and learn about her political advocacy. Oh, and April Ludgate (from Parks and Rec). She’s just the most hilarious, strange, awesome person.
5. When a new beauty trend happens, do you usually take part in it?
I do like to try out new beauty trends, but often prefer just sticking to my normal routines. I’m not proficient with hair and makeup, so I like staying in my comfort zone while throwing in the occasional winged eyeliner and bold lip.
6. What’s your current favorite beauty brand?
Revlon for their lipsticks, lip butters, and concealer, Maybelline for their Age Rewind foundation.
7. Besides blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to read (feel free to leave your suggestions for me!). I love playing with my baby and hanging out with my husband because we just have fun together. I talk to my sister on the phone at least three times a day (not kidding) and love our weekly dates. We leave the kids with the men and have some sort of sister date. It’s a beautiful thing.
8. Toilet paper. Are you on team over or team under (for further clarification, how would you position it on the holder)?
There are those of us who put the toilet paper over, and there are some people who are wrong! Good Housekeeping proves why team over is actually right!
9. Favorite TV shows?
Parks and Recreation, Scandal, 24, Damages, Arrested Development.
10. Summer will be coming to a close within the next month. Are you sad to see it go, or are you over it and looking forward to a new season?
I am wayyyy over summer. I’m looking forward to being able to comfortably go outside, leave the windows open, and wear boots and tights.
So, here are my ten nominees :
- Trisha- The Ham and Cheese of It
- Brooke- Bye Comparison
- Chelsie- Life With Rosie
- Chels- Inspiration Indulgence
- Samantha- The Samantha Show
- Jaclyn- Beauty and the Binky
- Lauren- Sobremesa Stories
- Brittany- The Nested Nomad
- Rebekah- Rebekah Anne Blog
- Claire- Casual Claire
Answers the questions which were sent to me; I look forward to reading yours.
What questions do you want to know about me for my next Q & A?