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gift guide

This post contains affiliate links.  This year, my family is making a big push away from flashy, one-trick-pony toys – you know, the ones on commercials and in catalogs that every kid has to have because it’s so wildly publicized and commercialized. These are usually toys with batteries and these [...] Read More....

November 5, 2019 By Lindsay | No Comments

This post contains affiliate links. That means at no expense to you, I may receive a small commission from your purchase. Thanks for your support! Raise your hand if you love affordable gifts? I can never think of ideas when people ask me what I want for my birthday or [...] Read More....

November 23, 2018 By Lindsay | No Comments

This post contains affiliate links; that means at no cost to you, I’ll make a small commission. Thanks for your support! Whether you’re shopping for your own home or for others, this home gift guide has something for everyone. With items matching every style, function, and budget, these products will [...] Read More....

December 15, 2017 By Lindsay | 3 Comments

*Post contains affiliate links.* What’s on your gift wish list? Actually, what’s on your kids’ wish list? Or better yet, what do you wish was on your kids’ wish list? Do your lists seem to match? Do they impulsively want every toy that comes on a commercial? Do you impulsively buy [...] Read More....

November 2, 2016 By Lindsay | 13 Comments
