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Author: Lindsay

Yesterday my little family and I went on a nice Saturday shopping outing, and I am thrilled with my purchases! I’m so excited to share my clothing and jewelry choices in later fashion posts this fall, but for now, I want to show you my new coffee table styling choices. I [...] Read More....

October 4, 2015 By Lindsay | 18 Comments

*I received products in exchange for an honest review. I stand behind any products I recommend 100%. This post contains affiliate links. I take my skincare very seriously these days. After years of hiding behind layers of makeup during periodic breakouts and having hyperpigmentation , I decided to take charge [...] Read More....

October 3, 2015 By Lindsay | 29 Comments

I am a very odd person. I can feel physically bothered to my very core from seeing dust around my house. I feel anxiety when plans are not set in stone. My stress manipulates itself in my stomach, causing nervous belly aches when I hear a ‘mouth smacking’ noise. However, [...] Read More....

September 30, 2015 By Lindsay | 64 Comments

My normal fashion theme routine was somewhat interrupted when my school had homecoming week, which comes with my favorite time of the school year – theme days!  I notoriously put in at least ten times the effort of the students when it comes to the costumes, but hey, I have [...] Read More....

September 28, 2015 By Lindsay | 18 Comments

Affiliate links included. Sniffles. Runny nose. Sad little barking cough. Stuffed up tiny noses with congestion. When your baby or child has a cold, your heart will break for them. As a parent, all you want to do is take pain and discomfort away from your little ones, but with a [...] Read More....

September 26, 2015 By Lindsay | 39 Comments

Fashion theme weeks continue! Last week’s statement jewelry pushed me out of my standard go-to gold pieces that I wear every day to find fun ways to wear items that never get any use. For day one’s jewelry, I chose a multi-colored jeweled statement necklace and paired it with a dressy [...] Read More....

September 23, 2015 By Lindsay | 40 Comments

How do we know where we stand in the world? Well that’s a lofty question, how about we start with food. How do you gauge a meal at a restaurant? You compare it to the most delicious dishes you have had, think about the worst ones, and decide where it [...] Read More....

September 17, 2015 By Lindsay | 50 Comments

Oh, pregnancy, how I loved you. You turned me into a girl who vowed to never be pregnant and only have children through a surrogate (thanks, sis for volunteering at the time) into a momma who is ready for round two! You may know that I didn’t have the easiest [...] Read More....

September 14, 2015 By Lindsay | 25 Comments

This week’s fashion theme was prints and patterns. See previous weeks’ themes here and here. I tend to wear solids, so it was fun to rummage through my closet and find items I had forgotten about or haven’t worn in quite some time. That’s the beauty of these themes – [...] Read More....

September 13, 2015 By Lindsay | 14 Comments

Now that I’m back to work part-time after a wonderful summer home with my daughter, it’s nice having a daily routine and schedule to follow. My work schedule helps drive my effort to eat healthy and pay attention to portions instead of mindless snacking here and there or having “just [...] Read More....

September 12, 2015 By Lindsay | 12 Comments
