Guest Post: Rodan & Fields Dermatologists
I’m so excited to feature business and healthcare professional Nikki Carvelli as a guest blogger. Thanks for taking over the blog today Nikki – take it away! Oh, and don’t miss the SPECIAL FREE OFFER with a BONUS SAMPLE at the bottom of the post.
Whether you are looking to purchase great skin care products to help with your needs or looking to make some extra money while working from home, Rodan + Fields is your answer. After turning 30 I knew that I had to make a change with the products I was using used on my face. It is true – after 30 we lose 1% of our collagen every year, so I knew now was the time. I also spent a whole year watching my business partner have much success with her own Rodan + Field small business, so I decided why not share the great results with everyone else! I spent 5 years working in the operating room full time as a perfusionist, and I knew after having my daughter that the job, full time, did not fit for me as a working mom. I now have the opportunity to use my healthcare background to better understand their clinical research and have met many successful men and women who are also parents! I hope you enjoy this information, and I look forward to changing your skin for the better.