Hi, it’s me, Lindsay,

bringing you It’s Simply Lindsay as a source of inspiration and information from what I know best. From cleaning and designing your home, keeping your marriage fun, and having a happy pregnancy to the importance of social etiquette, hosting a fabulous party, and frugal fashion finds, I hope to connect with and inspire you in some way.

Those who are close to me often say “That’s so Lindsay” when it comes to fashion and design. To my best friend (my sister) and my mom who perfectly match even their shades of blacks, which match their designer shoes, which flawlessly matches their planned accessories for an impeccably coordinated look, the Lindsay-factor of mixing a leopard print scarf with a plaid shirt scares them. Or how I love mixing colors and prints for pops of interest in my house. But to me, these are the things that make me smile. I appreciate polished sophistication as well as playful whimsy.

I am extremely close with my family and just started one of my own with my husband, Justin. My sweet little Ginny, named after my grandma and great grandma, has already taught me how far a person’s heart is capable of being filled more than you could ever imagine.

I love manners, kindness, getting dolled up, lounging in comfy sweats, forgiveness, breakfast foods, cleaning, and learning. I have never had a brain freeze, have travelled to four continents, lived in Hawaii, Paris, and London for a month, and am an English teacher. I have an obsession with decorative pillows, candles, tinted chap sticks and believe the lost art of handwritten notes needs to be revived.

So that’s me- it’s simply,



The Value of Pregnancy Date Nights

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with staying home with your husband in your jammies on the weekend, renting a movie, and cooking dinner. You’re pregnant, after all, and possibly trying to save money, feeling unattractive, tired, or like you have nothing to wear- also, if you’re anything like I am, you’ve been sick and in pain every trimester. Then what’s the point of going out when you so enjoy staying in? Read on to see the value of pregnancy date nights.

As a first-time mom, I already see that once you have your baby, the luxury of out of the house date nights are few and far between. You’ll be so wrapped up in your little bundle of joy (or wanting to go to sleep by 7), that leaving the house at all will be a chore in itself. So take advantage of this wonderful chapter in your life and embrace it, make the best of it, and make an effort to bond with your husband. Take time to get ready and dress up during this spit-up-free time in your life!

Not Your Grandma’s Florals

What do you think of when you hear decorating with florals? Outdated, mauve and maroon cabbage rose wallpaper? Nauseating flowered prints in a bed and breakfast that makes you dizzy? Chartreuse and mustard daisies a la the 60’s? Let’s face it, when you hear florals, you think “grandma.” (Disclaimer: my gram has excellent taste and decorates with florals beautifully. It’s just an expression.)

You can burst into spring anytime of the year by incorporating floral design in your interiors in a fun, beautiful, modern way. Learn how to easily freshen up your interiors this spring with florals that will give a new connotation to this often misunderstood pattern. Choosing florals can be overwhelming.  With infinite colors, sizes, and saturation, it can be challenging to figure out how to add this pattern into your existing design scheme. Use these simple rules to add radiance and cheer to your home.

Important Everyday Safety Tips

When I was young, my mom really hit the whole ‘stranger danger’ thing really hard, so much so that I’m still scared of being kidnapped and play various dangerous scenarios in my head to come up with plans of action. Totally normal, right? I remember actually role playing stranger danger situations with my mom and sister, and I always knew never to answer the door if my mom wasn’t home. My mom would go over all different situations we could be in, and maybe this is the reason I’m still somewhat paranoid, but I’m so thankful to have this extra little suspicious edge.

When my parents were first married, my mom fought off an attacker who attempted to assault her during the day in their home. The attacker, posing as a flower delivery man, had a gun and bag full of supplies, including duct tape. My mom’s ability to think, act, fight, and flee without thinking probably saved her life. Her bravery and mental strength made me question how I would instinctively act in a dangerous situation.

Concealing Routine for Blemishes

I always envisioned clear, perfect skin in my twenties- isn’t that what’s supposed to happen? Well, my lucky hormones and I never were never blessed with perfect skin, often leaving me turning down social invites last minute, feeling self-conscious in brightly lit spaces, and even opting for a band aid over pesky breakouts a la Carrie in Sex and the City.

Instead of letting my problem skin take over my life, I decided to figure out how to best conceal my blemishes instead. I’m not great with makeup nor am I willing to spend a lot of money for products, so any makeup and techniques I use are completely accessible.

Simple Skinny Smashed Banana Cookies (done two ways!)


2 overly ripe bananas

1 C old fashioned oats (uncooked)

1 t vanilla

Cocoa Coconut

¼ C chocolate chips

1 t cocoa powder

½ C coconut flakes

1 t sweetener (optional)

Peanut Butter Raisin

1 T natural peanut butter

1 t cinnamon

¼ C raisins