Happy 2nd birthday Olive Shea

Oh, my Olive Shea – where do I even begin? Happy 2nd birthday, my sweet baby girl. I’m writing this as I’m watching you play with your sister, and my heart just swells with love for you – it always has. Ever since you were born, I was completely enamored with you, and that feeling has never stopped. There’s something so special and different about you that it’s hard to describe – it’s more of a feeling – and even someone who is around you for a few minutes or sees a video of you can sense it.

You are the funniest person I have ever met – you’re hilarious without trying, you make me laugh without even talking – your facial expressions and body language are funny. You just have that “it” factor.

In an effort to keep up with your big sis, you followed her suit and did everything quick – walking at 9 months, talking in complete sentences very early, singing songs, and dancing like you’re much older than you are. I have full-blown, adult conversations with you, and you make me laugh. Every. Single. Time.

It’s impossible to get mad at you because your face is just SO DARN CUTE – I can’t even handle it! You just gave me one of those cheesy, toothy, full-face smiles, and I seriously get butterflies in my stomach. You’re something else. You’re my smart, sweet, salty, hilarious, wild, strong-willed, loving girl, and my life and the world is better with you in it. Thanks for being born Olive Shea bay bay.

Happy 4th birthday, Ginny

Happy 4th birthday, my Ginny girl! You bring so much life, love, and energy to everyone you meet and everywhere you go. You’ve always been ahead of your time, but your brightness shines even more this year – not just because of your crazy extensive vocabulary and concepts you grasp, but your emotional intelligence and sensitivity.

You were there for ME – your adult mom – YOU, a 3-year-old – through so much. You were there to be pure sweetness and give me hugs when I was sad about Grandpa; you were there when I was sick for 10 months and when I could hardly even walk. You have been so patient and loving when your sister has been having some two-year-old mood swings. You do all of this, and it’s hard to remember that you’re only 4-years-old because you’re truly ahead of your time.

People always say it, and it’s true – you just have this specialness about you – it’s hard to describe, but to know you is to feel this about you. Grandma Ginny and Grandpa John maybe sense this the most; you’re so loved, Ginny, and surrounded by people who are crazy about you. Grandma, Papa, Nana, Grampy, all of your aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends – you are so loved, and daddy and I are amazed and proud of you every day. In fact, there’s not one night that goes by that we don’t lay in bed and recount the magical things you said and did that day.

Happy birthday, my love, my Ginny who made me a mom.

12 rules for visiting a newborn

There’s really nothing better than babies, except maybe newborn babies; it’s only natural that out of your love, support, and excitement for the new baby in your life that you want to visit right away. In the midst of all of your love and enthusiasm, there’s something you might overlook – the wishes and needs of the family, especially the momma.

Before popping over for an impromptu or even scheduled visit, take these 12 tips to heart and mind. Keep in mind the mother just gave birth; she’s most likely not rested, not eating or drinking properly, and is adjusting to life with her new little one.

Even the most well-adjusted moms are going through a very delicate time, physically, mentally, and emotionally, whether they realize it or not, whether they show it or not.

If you plan on visiting a new baby soon, take these rules into consideration.

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