How to Date Your Spouse
My husband and I have been together for 9 years and married for 3. I remember at some point in our relationship a few years into dating, my mom gave me advice. While it was great that we were so comfortable together and in our routine that we would have the time of our lives staying in and watching Netflix all weekend, why didn’t we get out of the house and do something different? Why didn’t I get out of my sweats and get my butt off the couch? Great advice, mom!
Then after I had my daughter, I never wanted to leave the house for many reasons: I wasn’t feeling confident in myself so I didn’t want other people to see me; my hormones and maternal instincts made it difficult for me to leave my precious babe; and I was just tired. But luckily with the encouragement of my mom and husband, we got back into the dating routine again. After only a few months off of our dating game, I quickly realized the importance of us dating each other and how that was an integral part of our thriving relationship. I’ll share with you some tips on how to date your spouse based on what has worked for me.