Best toys for babies and toddlers

In the last year, so much has happened – your tiny bundle of joy has turned into a curious little monkey, crawling, walking, and exploring during all waking moments. You want to get the right toys that are developmentally appropriate, that challenge the brain and motor functions and bonus if they’ll entertain multiple kids at different ages.

I rounded up the best toys for babies and toddlers, with classic and modern options to suit your taste, and the best part is that most, if not all, of these toys will be loved, appropriate, and fun for years to come.

Be sure to save this post and share with your family and friends! These are great ideas to buy for your family, birthday parties, and the holidays.

Just click the images below to buy!

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Free Alzheimer’s cards when going out in public

When you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s, your whole life changes. Once seemingly mundane, daily tasks become difficult.

Can I leave him at home? How long will I have? Can I take him with me?

Will he feel embarrassed? Will I feel embarrassed having to explain his behavior?

These are questions that probably cross your mind all the time, and as someone supporting a family member or friend during this stage of life, you might feel trapped at home or sad you can’t go out and about with your loved one as you used to.

I attended an Alzheimer’s support group for the first time over the summer and saw these little cards you could take stating that your loved one has Alzheimer’s to give to people discreetly when you’re out and loved the idea.

Feel free to save or download the card below, print them, and have them handy in your wallet and give to family and friends. You can give them discreetly out at restaurants, while travelling, at the barber shop, doctor’s office – anywhere!

Inspiring Imagination with Mouse + Magpie

This post is brought to you by Mouse + Magpie and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

John Keats once said, “I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart’s affections, and the truth of imagination,” and oh how this rings true to me. When my sweet Ginny made me a mom, I couldn’t imagine any more greatness – greatness in love or fulfillment of life; she was the little nugget that made everyone’s lives better and certainly mine more whole.

To see her love and purity grow and develop into the most curious little lady has been the greatest joy. And just when I had convinced myself baby number two would be loved but not as loved, because there was just no way my heart could grow, the holiness of my heart’s affection proved me wrong, delightedly so.

Olive was born and our world smiled as hearts swelled, and this sweetest dumpling is ahead of herself. She watches her big sis with eager eyes, soaking it all in. She rolled over after a few weeks, crawled at 5 months, and pulls herself up now at 6. And more than these physical developmental milestones, I’m delighted that she will learn from her sister’s imagination.